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How to become a famous artist or deejay

Be it a singer, rapper, instrumentalist or even a DJ. Most probably yes, or you won’t be reading this post. If you have a good voice, and you want to try your luck, go ahead. Pursue your dream. You should at least try or you’ll regret it forever

We’ve all thought of it at least a few times during our lives: 

How great would it be to be a popstar? 

A music mogul that travels the world, performing in front of tens of thousands of screaming fans, and making a hefty amount of money during decades of a successful career.

Of course, we may also dream of being movie stars, all-star athletes, or other performers that earn the admiration of millions. It takes a lot of hard work – and a few breaks along the way – to attain those lofty aspirations. 

And, in many cases, it takes more than talent to finally break through.

In the music industry, so much of “making it” is about the hard working before and exposure after. 

Hard working writing and producing songs regularly doing better and better without losting the trust in themselves. 

The exposure is key to let people know how good the work done is so far.

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